2023–2024 Employer Detail Listings Coming Soon; Employer Website Enhancements

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Employer Detail Listings

Employer Detail Listings for fiscal year 2023–2024 will be mailed beginning Oct. 14, 2024. This listing specifies the final amount of member contributions and service credit that STRS Ohio has posted to each individual member account for the fiscal year. It is considered a final record so please keep a copy for your files. An electronic copy of this report is also available in the Documents section of Employer Self Service (ESS).

Please review your Employer Detail Listing for accuracy. Some adjustments to member accounts may have been made during the reconciliation process. As a result, your Employer Detail Listing may reflect different figures than originally submitted in your annual report. If corrections or adjustments should be made, please contact the STRS Ohio Employer Reporting Department toll free at 888‑535‑4050 as soon as possible.