Verifying Service Credit or Accrued Contributions

Service Credit

After STRS Ohio processes your annual report, you may be asked to verify service credit for members if the service credit reported appears inconsistent with the contributions reported. If you need to verify service credit, you will be notified via email when your service credit verification report is available for completion in ESS. (You will only receive this report if verification is necessary.)

Service credit verification reports must be submitted to STRS Ohio by Aug. 22, 2024. Otherwise, service credit will be listed as suspect in the member’s annual statement.

View an online tutorial showing how to complete this report in ESS.

View ESS Instructions for completing this report.

Accrued Contributions

After your annual report and summer payrolls have been processed, you may be asked to verify accrued contributions for certain members if accrued contributions in the annual report do not match accrued contributions in July and August payroll reports.

If verification is required, you will be notified via email when your accrued verification report is available for completion in ESS. (You will only receive this report if verification is necessary.) Please submit this report within 10 business days of notification. The submission deadline is Sept. 27, 2024.

View an online tutorial showing how to complete this report in ESS.

View ESS Instructions for completing this report.