Contracted Services


The State Teachers Retirement Board is authorized by Chapter 3307 of the Ohio Revised Code to make membership determinations. Hiring an individual to fill an STRS Ohio-covered position as an independent or third-party contractor does not necessarily relieve a public school, community school, public university or institution (“School”) for whom the individual performs services from the obligation to make contributions to STRS Ohio.

The chief test in determining whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor is the right to control the means and manner of performing the work. In determining who has control over the means and manner of performing the work, several factors are considered, including, but not limited to, who controls the details and quality of the work; who controls the hours worked; who selects the materials, tools and personnel used; who selects how the work is performed; how is the individual paid; and are there any pertinent agreements, contracts or other documents pertaining to the work.

If the School controls the means and manner of the work performed by an individual who was hired under an independent or third-party contract, STRS Ohio membership and contributions on the payments to the individual are required, regardless of what the parties call the relationship.

Process for Determining STRS Ohio Membership

STRS Ohio recognizes that some membership determinations may be difficult. To assist Schools with the determination of STRS Ohio membership for contracted services, STRS Ohio has developed the following process. To request a determination from STRS Ohio, please complete the Determination of STRS Ohio Membership for Contracted Services form by following the steps below:

  1. The School should complete Section 1 of the form and attach a current copy of the contract between the School and the contracted service provider.
  2. The contracted service provider/company should complete Section 2 of the form and attach a list of all workers performing services for the School under the contract. The list of workers should include first name, last name, position, email address and last four digits of Social Security number.
  3. The School should submit the form and all attachments to STRS Ohio. Scan and email all information to

After STRS Ohio has received the complete information from all parties, STRS Ohio will process the request for STRS Ohio membership determination as follows:

  1. STRS Ohio may contact individual workers about their working relationship.
  2. STRS Ohio will review all information and determine whether the workers are STRS Ohio members for which STRS Ohio contributions are required.
  3. STRS Ohio will notify the School and the contracted service provider/company of the membership determination.
  4. If STRS Ohio determines that STRS Ohio membership is not required, STRS Ohio contributions should not be remitted beginning from the date of the determination forward. Any non-required STRS Ohio contributions already made on earnings during the current fiscal year will be returned to the party that remitted the payment of contributions (either the School or the contracted service provider/company).
  5. In the event an STRS Ohio member is no longer in any STRS Ohio-covered position and otherwise qualifies, the member may apply to withdraw his or her STRS Ohio account. For more information on account withdrawal, members may contact the STRS Ohio Member Services Center toll-free at 888‑227‑7877.

If you have questions about the STRS Ohio membership determination process, please contact the STRS Ohio Employer Reporting Department toll-free at 888‑535‑4050.