Plan Options

Defined Benefit Plan

Monthly retirement benefits under STRS Ohio’s Defined Benefit Plan are based on a calculation that uses the member’s age, years of service credit and final average salary (the average of the five highest salary years). Funds are invested by STRS Ohio investment professionals and the benefit is predictable and does not depend on investment performance. Access to health care coverage* in retirement, and disability and survivor benefits during the member’s career, are available to those meeting eligibility criteria. This plan may be the best choice for career educators.

Defined Contribution Plan

With the STRS Ohio Defined Contribution Plan, a member’s retirement income is based on contributions to the member’s account, performance of investments selected by the member and annuity rates at retirement. Members can plan for retirement by developing an allocation strategy that balances long-term needs with the opportunities and risks of the financial markets. For a member who does not plan on being a career educator, this plan offers greater value than the Defined Benefit Plan should the member decide to withdraw the account. New members selecting this plan have the option to reselect their STRS Ohio retirement plan and change to the Defined Benefit Plan or Combined Plan before completing the fifth year of membership.

Combined Plan

STRS Ohio’s Combined Plan includes features of the Defined Benefit and the Defined Contribution Plans. Retirement income is based on two separate retirement benefits that are paid from the defined benefit and defined contribution portions of the member’s account. This plan offers the option for the member to select investments for a portion of their contributions. Access to health care coverage* in retirement, and disability and survivor benefits during the member’s career, are available to those meeting eligibility criteria. New members selecting this plan have the option to reselect their STRS Ohio retirement plan and change to the Defined Benefit Plan or Defined Contribution Plan before completing the fifth year of membership.

*Coverage under the STRS Ohio Health Care Program is not guaranteed. STRS Ohio hopes to continue the program, but reserves the right to change or discontinue all or part of the program for all or a class of eligible benefit recipients and dependents at any time.

Plan Selection Resources

New K–12 educators and part-time higher education faculty have the option of selecting STRS Ohio’s Defined Benefit Plan, Defined Contribution Plan or Combined Plan. Full-time higher education faculty have the option of selecting an Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP) or one of the three STRS Ohio retirement plan options.

Comparing Plans

Chart comparing features of the three STRS Ohio retirement plans

Chart comparing the features of an ARP with the three STRS Ohio retirement plans.

Online Presentations

Retirement Plan Options presentations are available on the STRS Ohio member website and provide information about retirement plan options, features and important consideration when making a plan selection.

Additional Resources

Further details about plan options available to K–12 educators and part-time higher education faculty and full-time higher education faculty are available on the member website.