Service Retirement

Defined Benefit Plan

Eligibility Requirements

A Defined Benefit Plan participant is eligible for service retirement according to the following criteria:

Retirement Dates Unreduced Benefit (Minimum Age and Years of Service) Reduced Benefit (Minimum Age and Years of Service)
Aug. 1, 2023–May 1, 2024 Any age and 34 years; or age 65 and 5 years.* Any age and 30 years; or age 60 and 5 years.*
On or after June 1, 2024 Any age and 34 years; or age 65 and 5 years.* Any age and 29 years; or age 60 and 5 years.*

Members who leave Ohio public service and do not withdraw their STRS Ohio account will be eligible to receive a benefit when they meet one of the age and service requirements listed above.

*Must have 5.00 years of qualifying service credit, which includes: earned credit with STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS); restored withdrawn credit with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS; interrupted Ohio public service due to military service; and earned and restored credit that transfers from Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Highway Patrol Retirement System or Cincinnati Retirement System.

Applying for Service Retirement Benefits

Members should complete a Service Retirement Application at least three months, but no more than 12 months, before their retirement date. Defined Benefit Plan members can complete and submit their application using their Online Personal Account. The application can also be obtained by contacting STRS Ohio toll-free at 888‑227‑7877 or by email (

Members can estimate retirement benefits by using the STRS Ohio website or by contacting STRS Ohio by phone. Members can access a benefit estimate calculator in the Online Personal Account area which will use the member’s account information. It is advisable to schedule an individual benefits counseling session at least three years before and again six to 12 months from retirement. An appointment is required and sessions are offered at STRS Ohio’s Columbus offices, at field locations throughout the state, or by teleconference.

If the STRS Ohio member is also a member of another Ohio retirement system and files for “joint” retirement, the benefit is paid by the system in which the greatest amount of service credit has been earned.

Joint Retirement with OPERS/SERS

Service credit in a defined benefit plan with OPERS and SERS can be combined with STRS Ohio service credit at the time the member retires. The benefit is calculated and paid by the system in which the greatest amount of service credit is established. The following restrictions apply to combining service credit:

  • Postretirement employment restrictions of all retirement systems in which the member earned credit apply to joint retirees.
  • A member cannot earn more than one year of service credit per fiscal year (July 1–June 30) in one, two or all three public retirement systems combined. Service credit in OPERS or SERS that is concurrent or overlapping with 1.00 year of STRS Ohio credit does not provide additional service credit to a member’s account.
  • Service credit in OPERS or SERS that is not concurrent with STRS Ohio credit may be combined to determine total number of years of service credit with STRS Ohio.
  • If the member does not combine the accounts at retirement, the FAS will be based solely on his or her STRS Ohio earnings.

Retirement Effective Date

The retirement effective date is the date benefits begin, not the last day of employment. It is the first day of the month following the latter of:

  • The last day of teaching or other Ohio public service, or
  • Attainment of age and service requirements.

Defined Contribution Plan

Eligibility Requirements

Members are eligible to receive an annuity from their account balance upon retirement, beginning at age 50 or upon termination of service. Retirement income can be taken as a lifetime annuity or lump-sum payment and is based upon:

  • Contributions and the amount of employer contributions to the member’s account;
  • Performance of the member’s investment selections; and
  • Annuity rates at the time of the member’s retirement.

Applying for Service Retirement Benefits

To apply for service retirement, the member needs to complete a Service Retirement Application at least three months, but no more than 12 months, before the retirement date. The application can be completed online in the member’s Online Personal Account.

Members can request an estimate of retirement benefits by contacting STRS Ohio toll-free at 888‑227‑7877. It is advisable to schedule an individual benefits counseling session at least three years before and again six to 12 months from retirement. An appointment is required and sessions are offered at STRS Ohio's Columbus offices, at field locations throughout the state, or by teleconference.

Retirement Effective Date

The retirement effective date is the first day of the month following the latter of:

  • Month the member reaches age 50;
  • Last day of the member’s actual employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position; or
  • The month in which the member applies for retirement.

Combined Plan

Eligibility Requirements

At age 50 or after, members are eligible to receive an annuity from their defined contribution account. The amount will be based upon the amount deposited to the member’s defined contribution account, the performance of the member’s investment selections and annuity rates in effect at the time of retirement. The defined benefit portion provides a monthly benefit for members at age 60 who have at least 5.00 years of service credit. The benefit is equal to 1% of final average salary (FAS) for every year of service credit.

Applying for Service Retirement Benefits

To apply for service retirement, the member needs to complete a Service Retirement Application at least three months, but no more than 12 months, before the retirement date. There are separate applications for the defined benefit and defined contribution portions of the member’s account and separate applications must be filed for each portion. The applications can be completed online in the member’s Online Personal Account.

Members can request an estimate of retirement benefits by contacting STRS Ohio toll-free at 888‑227‑7877. It is advisable to schedule an individual benefits counseling session at least three years before and again six to 12 months from retirement. An appointment is required and sessions are offered at STRS Ohio’s Columbus offices, at field locations throughout the state, or by teleconference.

Retirement Effective Date

The retirement effective retirement date for the defined contribution portion of the member’s account is the first day of the month following the latter of:

  • The month the member reaches age 50;
  • The last day of the member’s actual employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position; or
  • The month in which the member applies for retirement.

For the defined benefit portion, the member’s effective retirement date is the first of the month following the latter of:

  • The month the member reaches age 60, or
  • The last day of actual employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position.

Employer Procedures

After receiving a completed Service Retirement Application from the member, STRS Ohio will send a deposit and service report to the member’s employer approximately 60 days before the retirement date. The form should be completed and returned to STRS Ohio as soon as the requested information is available but no later than two weeks after the member’s effective retirement date. Further information about completing this report is available here.